Johannes Knierzinger
Attention manager and digital paperboy with a passion for media, communication, technology and entertainment. Working for the austrian media company Newsadoo on developing an algorithm based on AI for editorial decisions. Consultant for various media companies, lecturer at the Universities of Vienna and Cologne, College Krems and speaker at various media events like Medientage Munich, Readmagine Madrid, WebSummit Lisbon or Newscamp Augsburg.Former Media-Activist: #NeverBlogForFree- Raise awareness in journalism on working with social networks and plattforms.
About Newsadoo, Austria
Newsadoo is our solution for innovative news consumption - a system that unifies all sources and helps readers to follow their trusted sources. Instead of being trapped in a filter bubble, users receive personalized news that are relevant to them. In this way, we bring back the attention of users from Spotify, YouTube, Fortnite and the like.
Articles are analyzed using artificial intelligence and the extracted information is further processed to create the optimal content for a wide range of user interests. Readers can access the same personalized messages at any time on all devices via smartphone, tablet, PC, TV, voice assistant or in-car entertainment system. An innovation that accompanies.
And so we create the basis for a business model in which publishers can monetize through subscriptions and advertising. Together - instead of against each other.
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