Jenni Sargent

Managing Director
First Draft News


Jenni Sargent is the Managing Director of First Draft, an organisation set up in 2015 to provide guidance and training for journalists in social newsgathering and verification. In September 2016, she coordinated and launched the First Draft Partner Network, the first initiative of its kind to bring together global newsrooms and social media companies to collaborate on tackling common issues relating to sourcing, reporting and consuming information that emerges online. Jenni is also a director of Eyewitness Media Hub and part of a research team responsible for exploring the impact of media attention on eyewitnesses. Previously she founded Digital Skills Network, a digital training company that developed resources for newsrooms and NGOs.

About First Draft News

First Draft is dedicated to improving skills and standards in the reporting and sharing of information that emerges online. Providing practical and ethical guidance in how to find, verify and publish content sourced from the social web, First Draft's focus includes misattributed and manipulated images, hoaxes, fake stories and eyewitness media.

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